Grade 9 Course Options


Grade 9


Students in Grade 9 follow the following curricular areas. These courses are available for full time BVEC students only.

Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 9

Skills and concepts are built over time in a wide variety of areas. Students are expected to choose one or more areas of exploration and complete a project or portfolio showing their learning and development over time. Suggested areas to explore include; computational thinking, computers and communications devices, digital literacy, drafting, entrepreneurship and marketing, food studies, media arts, metalwork, power technology, robotics, textiles and woodwork. BVEC does not offer online courses in these areas. Students are expected to pursue an area of interest using project-based learning.

Arts Education 9

Skills and concepts are built over time and can involve all areas (visual arts, drama, dance, music) or one area. Students are expected to log their hours and complete projects or portfolios showing their learning and development. Students taking music lessons should also provide written summaries from their instructor as evidence of learning. BVEC does not offer online courses in these areas.

Career Education 8/9

This online course includes activities in which students explore personal development (goal setting, project management), connections to community (needs, wants, cultural and social awareness and the value of volunteering), life and career plans (graduation requirements, mentorship, workplace safety). Students need only take this course in either grade 8 or 9.

English Language Arts 9

English 9 starts with a host of adventure stories followed by narratives told through letters. Students will choose between one of two novel studies, “Little Brother”, a story about spying and being spied upon or “Haroun and the Sea of Stories”, about freedom of expression. The next unit looks at the art of storytelling through words and graphics with the final unit being a novel study of the student’s choice.

Mathematics 9

Through online video lessons and practice questions, students will learn the following concepts: financial literacy, exponents, polynomials, rational numbers, linear relations and equations, proportional reasoning and statistics. Assessment is based on note packages taken while watching the videos, completion of the online practice questions, assignments and unit tests.

Physical and Health Education 9

Physical and Health Education 9 is broken down into four units: physical literacy, health and active living, social and community health and mental well-being. Students are expected to keep track of a variety of different physical activities (30 or more minutes per day, 5 or more days per week) and submit these logs on a monthly basis. Students will also complete online activities and quizzes as they work through the four units.

Science 9

There are four Big Ideas for Science 9: cells are derived from cells, electron arrangement of atoms impacts their chemical nature, electric current is the flow of electric charge and Earth’s major spheres are interconnected. Students will complete assignments, projects or labs and tests as part of this online course.

Social Studies 9

Social Studies 9 focuses on the history of Canada from 1750 to 1919. Students will complete learning guides, assignments, projects, quizzes and tests as part of this online course.

Second Language 9

Learning a second language is optional for students in grade 9. We are able to offer Rosetta Stone as the primary learning medium combined with project based learning.