Grade 12 Course Options


Grade 12


The following courses are available for students in grades 10 through 12 that reside within the SD 54 boundaries.

Applied Design, Skills and Technologies
Foods & Nutrition 12

Building upon the skills developed in Foods & Nutrition 11, this online course covers Kitchen Sanitation, Baking, Healthy Eating Habits, a Changing World, and the Food guide. Cooking labs need to be completed in a home kitchen and documented with photographs. These labs count for 40% of your grade, while Assignments, Tests & Forums make up the remainder of your mark. Although Foods 11 would be beneficial, there is no prerequisite for this course.

4 credits

Fashion Industry 12

In this course, students will use the design process to look at how fashion has changed over time, including the social and cultural influences on clothing design and choices. Three units of study are included: What is Fashion? The Business of Fashion and Fashion Design in which students complete learning activities. In addition, 3 projects are to be done. Although sewing skills would be beneficial, they are not required for this course.

4 credits

Arts Education
Photography 12

Photography 12 examines different photography processes, behaviour and principles of light, parts and functions of a camera, creative process and elements of art, principles of composition, famous photographers, and other topics. Students should have access to digital camera (dSLR, dSLT, or mirrorless).

4 credits

Career Education
Career-Life Connections

At this pivotal time in a student’s life, Career-Life Connections allows students to learn about influences that affect their career decisions and to reflect on the various ways to represent themselves both digitally and publicly. Students will explore different career-life pathways including personal, educational and work options. The course will conclude with the creation and presentation of a Capstone project in the second semester.

4 credits

English Language Arts
Gamified English Studies 12

Students may choose to participate in this innovative delivery method. The 4-required credits earned are the same as in a traditional course, but instead students will demonstrate their learning and earn points using strategies we are used to seeing in games. These elements include accumulation of points, co-design principle (student choice of path through learning), clarity of expectations/assessment, and badges.

Why gamify? Research supports that this style of learning increases both student enjoyment and achievement. It fits the new curricular focus on student choice and flexibility, while preparing you for life after high school by increasing your responsibility. 70% of your grade comes from the accumulation of Experience Points (XP), 10% comes from independent learning work habits and 20% come from your portfolio.

4 credits

Literature Studies 12

Literary Studies 12 allows students to delve more deeply into literature through increasingly complex texts. Students can explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works (fiction and non-fiction) in a variety of media. Giving students the choice of a range of literary topics allows them to follow their passion and at the same time refine their higher-level thinking and learning skills.

4 credits

Creative Writing 12

Creative Writing 12 is designed for students who are interested in creating a body of work reflective of a sophisticated breadth and depth of skill. The course provides students with opportunities to specialize and publish in real-world contexts. Students engage in the exploration of personal and cultural identities, memories, and stories, in a wide range of genres. Within a supportive community, students will collaborate and develop their skills through writing and design processes, celebrating successes. Students will refine their ability to write in complex, controlled styles with effectiveness and impact.

4 credits

Foundations of Math 12

Foundations 12 is the course for students planning to attend post-secondary institutions without a math or science focus. Students will learn about financial planning which includes investing, simple and compound interest, and whether to lease, rent or buy. Logic and probability problems will be encountered as will geometric explorations and graphical representations (polynomial, logarithmic, exponential and sinusoidal).

4 credits

Pre-Calculus 12

Pre-Calculus 12 is the course preferred for students choosing to enter math or science secondary programs. Topic areas include transformations, exponential functions and equations, geometric sequences, logarithms, polynomial functions and equations, rational functions and trigonometry. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 11

4 credits

Calculus 12 - Second Semester only (February - June 2023)

Calculus 12 is a course recommended for students who plan to take Calculus in a post-secondary program. Topic areas include functions, limits and continuity, differentiation and applications of derivatives, integration and applications of integrals, differential equations, and Riemann sums. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of 67% in Pre-Calculus 12 is recommended.

4 credits

Physical and Health Education
Active Living 12

The focus for Active Living 12 is to continue to develop a life long basis for understanding the importance of physical activity in one’s health and well-being. Through the exploration of recreational activities, students will demonstrate safety, fair play and leadership skills. Students will monitor their exertion levels in physical activities and show an understanding of the role of nutrition in staying healthy. Students are also expected to play a leadership role which can be in the form of volunteering or coaching younger people.

4 credits

Fitness and Conditioning 12

For Full Time BVEC students only

Fitness and Conditioning 12 is for students who are interested in the anatomy and physiology behind becoming an athlete. Through projects and activities, the skeletal, muscular and cardiac systems will be studied to guide training. This course is recommended for students that are involved in an athletic program or for those who have a personal interest in fitness training.

4 credits

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Formally known as Biology 12, Anatomy and Physiology 12 focuses on the organ systems of the human body and how these systems have complex interrelationships to maintain homeostasis. Students will examine the biochemical feedback loops that regulate the body’s internal environment and the role of DNA and gene expression.

4 credits

Chemistry 12

Chemistry 12 examines reaction rates, equilibrium systems, solutions and solubility, acids and bases, titrations, and electro chemistry (reduction and oxidation). Students should have a strong math skills and a good understanding of stoichiometry and the mole. Prerequisite: Chemistry 11, with a recommended grade of 67% or higher.

4 credits

Fish and Wildlife 12

Fish and Wildlife 12 is a Specialized Science 12 course that studies the fish, birds and mammals of British Columbia. Students will learn about the classification, anatomy and physiology of these classes of animals. In addition, students will learn about restoration and stewardship practices and resource management, including Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Students that obtain or already have their CORE certification will be able to use this towards partial credit in the course. Course work involves activities, case studies, projects and quizzes. Students are expected to spend time outdoors for some of their activities and projects. Students will receive credit as a Specialized Science 12 course.

4 credits

Social Studies
20th Century World History 12

20th Century World History 12 introduces you to the history of the twentieth century, beginning with the treaties that ended World War I and ending with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. While studying these events, you will also be learning something of the skills necessary to interpret historical events — how to ensure historical information is accurate and relevant, how to develop historical empathy, and how to present clear, logical arguments based on a knowledge of the events, for example. These skills will be helpful to you throughout life.

4 credits

BC First Peoples 12

BC First Peoples 12 explores how the identities, worldviews and languages of BC First Peoples are renewed, sustained and transformed through their connection to the land. It looks at the impact of contact and colonialism on the lives of BC First Peoples. Students will learn about how cultural expressions convey the richness, diversity and resiliency of BC First Peoples and self-governance, leadership and self-determination.

4 credits

Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12

Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 is a project-based, academic course that fulfills the graduation requirement for a Social Studies credit as well as the requirement for an Indigenous Focused course. Comprised of four units, this course offers students the opportunity to explore how identities, worldviews and languages are connected to the land, indigenous reclamation of well-being despite the continuing effects of colonialism, issues of self-determination and advocacy, and how reconciliation requires that all colonial societies work together to foster healing. This course aims to emphasize student choice while practicing critical thinking, consideration of different viewpoints, and ethical judgement skills.

4 credits

Law Studies 12

Law 12 is a survey course that introduces students to the concept of law and the role that it plays in society. The course is generally divided into the following four sections: foundations of law, criminal law, civil law, and family law.

4 credits

Philosophy 12

Philosophy is a Grade 12 Academic course that fulfills the Social Studies 11/12 credit requirement for graduation. This course explores the nature of knowledge, reality and existence, while providing students with the tools for investigating meaning and fostering different ways of thinking. Philosophy 12 is designed to help students better understand their own assumptions and beliefs, while exploring logic and reason. This is a project-based course.

4 credits

Physical Geography 12

Physical Geography 12 examines the five themes of geography (location, place, movement, regions, human and physical interaction) while learning about the Earth’s structure, climate, changes to Earth’s surface and biomes and ecosystems.

4 credits

Social Justice 12

Social Justice 12 is a Grade 12 Academic course that fulfills the Social Studies 11/ 12 credit requirement for graduation. The course is organized around key social justice issues such as gender, race, ableism, poverty and animal rights. You will also examine the role governmental and non-governmental organizations play in issues of social justice and injustice, and learn about the processes, methods, and approaches individuals, groups, and institutions use to promote social justice. This is a project-based course

4 credits

Board Authorized Courses
Psychology 12

Psychology 12 introduces students to the study of human behaviour. Students will develop a deeper understanding of how culture and environment shape who we are as individuals, as well as the critical thinking and application of the scientific method and research to human behaviour. This course introduces major perspectives in Psychology as well as definitions, methodologies, ethics, and topics including personality theories, learning, consciousness, dreaming, and cognition/perception. This is a BAA course, which means it does not fulfill any Science or Social Studies credits for graduation, though the credits to count towards your Non-Defined Credit graduation requirements.

4 credits